Passionate about beauty…?
Start your own beauty business with the Rawr brand, systems and proven processes.
Sharing the risk, sharing the journey, sharing the reward.
Why choose Rawr for your beauty business…
After 15 years, 26 sites:we know what works!
Perfected service mixensures secure demand
Amazing brand advocates and collaborations
Family-owned, not- investor-owned
Cashflow positive with low-cost base for the sector
Diversify into high-margin specialisms
Rawr products, systems and support, your business…

We’ll bring the weight of our experience to guide you on everything from business planning, systems and stock, through to recruitment, training and marketing activity.

Rawr products are British designed and developed – affordably priced for repeat purchase with strong margins providing another income stream for your business.

While it is your business, you will have the support of our loyal team who have all got direct experience operating in our units – there isn’t much we haven’t experienced over the past 15 years.

Rawr products, systems and support, your business…

We welcome owners with a passion for beauty and wellness, people with a sparklein their eye! It’s a rewarding people-business that requires your attention for success.

Not worked in the sector before… don’t worry you can employ an experienced supervisorand we’ll provide ongoing guidance and support for both you and your team. While you can hire a supervisor, another option is to work with a business partner who compliments your skillset.

Prepaid Packs & Walk-ins
Retail Products & Gift Cards
Private Events & Parties

Whatever your background, success is from effectively leading your team and knowingand reacting to your numbers – we’ve an App for that, providing real-time performance data.

You will need to understand every element of your business to be an effective leader and build a multi-unit empire – how long this takes will depend on you, your attitude and your experience.

Once you are ready – let’s roll out your first concession by leveraging our relationships at Asda and Primark.

Single Unit  
Rawr independent unit example(per established unit)
c.£120k EBITDA
Setup c.£160k per unit
Min cash in c.£80k
Payback c.2-3yrs
Single Unit  
Rawr independent unit example(per established unit)
c.£120k EBITDA
Setup c.£160k per unit
Min cash in c.£80k
Payback c.2-3yrs

“We’ve built Rawr ourselves and run 26 of our own sites. We know what works and what doesn’t in this industry. The multi-unit case study is based on real financial performance and has been created as an illustration of what we feel is possible for a successful franchisee once established.”

Rakesh & Sunny, Co-founders

Leverage the power of our established brand for your local beauty business. Big name collaborations include Sony, Maya Jama, Stefflon Don, Boohoo, AJ Tracey, Pretty Little Thing, Meghan Trainor…
Next steps – find out more

Get in touch with our team to discover more about the Rawr franchise. You’ll need:

  • A real passion for beauty and wellness
  • £80k cash to invest in your first unit (plus bank funding)
  • To be great at leading and inspiring your team
  • A healthy fascination with the numbers
  • A proactive positive attitude

We are offering both new territories as well as some established businesses for sale.Hit send below and we’ll share our prospectus with more details on the journey ahead.No hard sell: this only works if we’re both all-in.

Invest in beauty, invest in your future

For more information please fill in the enquiry form below

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